dont be sad.
tok sah sedih.
i found a saying that goes something like this,
"dont worry about the people who walked out on you in your past,
they are not meant to be in your future anyway."
of course i know there is no reason for me to be sad. people who love you are the ones who wont hurt you for no reason. if they have ceased loving you and found a new object of fascination, then so be it. just dont turn it into a big battle of ego.
obviously, when they do, they seem very ugly. it is very simple.
hence they are not worth the tears or the heartache or the malancholic gaze that you threw into the horizon. accepting the fact that people despise you or in a lesser word 'dislike' is the same as knowing that not everybody likes you for being you, is fine. and it is also logical. you cannot please everyone.
you love unconditionally and you can get burned. that is the risk the everyone takes in the quest of finding a place in someone's heart. you cannot tell the heart to delete unwanted memories, to omit the pains of being scorned and ridiculed, to neutralise the venom of love.
No that is impossible.
but time will heal the pain and soften the memories, insyaAllah.
and in time, you will learn that it is okay to be sad, just dont be depressed. manic depression is uncalled for and totally unnecessary.
nobody is worth that much compared to yourself and your loved ones.
but be sure that you dont leave any doors unchecked.
if you feel you need answers, seek and you might get it.
if you feel you need closure, ask and you might get it.
if you feel you should apologize, then seek for forgiveness and you might get it.
if you feel you are okay without all that.. then the chapter is already closed.
dont go looking back into the wound for fear that it would bleed fresh blood.
Allah is always behind you 100%.
if you take one step closer to HIM, HE will take 100 steps closer to you.
no love is greater and more rewarding than the love for Allah and his prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
arrogance doesnt pay much, but piety to the Almighty does.
in this holy month of ramadan where Allah's love is in abundance, let me remind myself once again.
la tahzan!
p.s. dont be fooled by this writing. this is not a person in pain.
this is just an outlet of my creative emotions. ahahaa.
a picture can paint a thousand words.
what do you feel when you see the picture above?
honestly, i dont mind being hated, but kindly do it behind my back plz.
well.. umm.. obviously i still have some unresolved issues .. ahakzz.
since i know nobody reads this, im safe to write anything i want .. so long as i have access to enter.. ahaha.
anyways, the fun is that i can talk about it now and knowing that Allah is merciful, really helps.
ok, have a healthy life! Amin. :-)
last nite was nuzul Al Quran. and it was beautiful. peaceful, serene night wipes away any feeling of emptiness when you fill it with Allah's love. and that is enough, for now. Amin.
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